Monday, 4 March 2013

Making a start...

This evening we popped up to the plot to get on and do some cleaning up before we lost the light. There was a surprising amount of rubbish, old bits of carpet, wood and broken pots that had built up since it was in use.

Making a start on some of the rubbish

We were not the only people on the site, we got talking to the 87 year old Allotment Association Treasurer; Bert, who told us that our plot actually had a shed and a greenhouse on until not too long ago. Bert explained that the previous tenant had sold to the plot opposite our own (which is a bit of a pain).

Bert also pointed out that we had a Bay Tree and Rosemary Bush that were thriving at the front of the plot, we are not sure whether we are going to keep these or give them away just yet.

The plot is looking cleaner

We are hoping to get over there this weekend weather permitting, when we want to get onto the weeds and grasses that seem to have taken over the raised beds...well most of the plot to be honest!

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